lundi 28 mars 2011

didgeridoo healing trance work - didgeridoo crystal dreaming

For those who "see" the didgeridoo is wonderful tool for retrieving information directly from the ancestor realm and beyond. For this very purpose two technique can be combine together to promote a stronger response from the person who is induce in a trance by a didgeridoo player. The didgeridoo player act as the trance maker and same time as a root for the traveler to be able to remember the information that he will encounter. Through the trance if you place certain object that have connection with what you are looking for it can be an opening door for you. Also by placing crystal around the person who is induce in the trance the cohesion and clarity of the vision can be improve this technique is call crystal dreaming. Of course having basics on how to manipulate vortexes of energy in the body can be very helpful and a lots of different experiment can be done in this way. For example, by siting in front of someone who is lying down, putting the didgeridoo on the knees of the person on who the instrument is being played (this position relieve energy that are related to anger and can help someone understand why they have misaligned behavior). Afterward, if the player touch the feet of the person with is own feet something else can be created because this way the person in trance and the didgeridoo player are blending their energies. Be aware that those exercise can put someone very uncomfortable and it is always important to make sure not to overstrech energetically. Please share what you learn and experiment, together we are the best healers for this world.

1 commentaire:

  1. You never cease to amaze me! Thanks for posting! Just by reading this, you took me "there"! This is limitless, and can be done across distances, too!
